viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2015

What a great week!!

On contrast to some weeks ago, when I wrote telling you how much overwhelmed I felt and all the stress I had with university works, this week I write to tell how much happy I feel right now!
The last week of classes has arrived and furthermore, we have already made our oral exposition of Culture! It was a great success!! Our project was about legends and haunted castles so we decided to make our exposition more original and we talked as if we were in a TV program. This made all the class (included the teacher) laugh and not stop paying attention to what we were saying. Besides, I stop to think in the moments of work the project has required and I must say I had really enjoyed. I mean, I was lucky and my group was formed by other four girls who are very nice so we all together have worked as well as we have had a fun time!
Referring to what I said before, it is my last week here in Murcia because for personal reasons I am not going to be able to attend to the last two days of classes before Christmas but... it means that I come back to my town, my lovely town! Hahaha
You could not imagine how much I desire to see my friends and family!
On the other hand, at this moment, I think about how my life here in Murcia has been and I realize I am also happy. It is true that, at the beginning, I was scared of coming here alone and I did not know how things were going to be, but today...I am glad to say that Murcia has brought to me special things and people I am going to miss these holidays!
Now it is time to leave! Good night everybody! :)

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