martes, 15 de diciembre de 2015

What happens with reading? (Opinion paragraph something I like and most people don't)

From my point of view, we should not allow that such a great thing reading is become less and less frequent. Talking as a person who loves reading, I strongly believe this hobbie is one of the most wonderful things we can do in our freetime. However, it is extremely easy to find lots of people who have never taken a book and tried to read it. This is something I cannot understand, for me, it is difficult to imagine how some people are loosing fascinating things reading gives to us, For example, when I read I am able to disconnect from the world for a while and focus only in the exciting stories I am reading. I love this sensation of putting myself in the place of the main character and feel all the sensations he/she has and experiences he/she lives.
That is why I say: ''It is urgent to recover the interest of people for reading''

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